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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку.
Турнир любознательных.

Тема: Books in our life
Цель: формировать социокультурную и коммуникативную компетенции через совершенствование навыков устного говорения, выразительного чтения стихотворений и драматизацию диалогов; развивать творческие способности, расширить знания в области английской литературы; воспитывать интерес и уважение к произведениям мировой литературы.
Оборудование: портреты писателей, плакаты с высказываниями о книгах, карточки с заданиями, аудиозапись песни BeetlesLet it be”.
Ход мероприятия
Вступительное слово учителя.
Dear pupils! I’m glad to see you at our afterclasses meeting, which is devoted to books in our life.
Nowadays we live in the world of high developed technologies, computers and Internet. May be the books have already lost their importance and people don’t read books.
Today you will make different tasks in literature and by the end of our meeting you should be able to say about the role of books for people and what must be a good book.

Основная часть.
  1. Визитка.
Today our meeting is a competition. We have 2 teams. Leaders, introduce your teams, please.
  1. Конкуры турнира.
You will make 10 tasks and for each of them you will get 2 points.
  1. Pay attention to the posters and find their analogues in Russian.
Books and friends should be few but good” (Книг и друзей должно быть немного, но хороших).
A good children’s book has no limit of age” (Хорошая книга не имеет возрастных ограничений)
Choose an author as you choose a friend (Выбирай автора также как ты выбираешь друга)
If the book is worth, reading is worth buying” (Если книга достойна ее прочтение стоит покупки).
  1. Match the pictures with proverbs.
For the first team: “Every man to his trade”, “Practise what you preach”, “Extremes meet”.
For the second team: “Many heads are better than one”, “Walls have ears”, “Exception proves the rule”.
  1. Name the genres of these famous English and American works.
For the first team: H. Wells “The Time Machine” (fantastic novel),
R. Kipling “The Jungle Book” (tale about animals), Jack London
Children of the frost” (adventure story), R. Burns “A Red, Red Rose” (song), R.L. Stevenson “Treasure Island” (adventure novel),
William Shakespeare “The Twelfth Night” (a play), G. Byron “Don
Juan” (epic)
For the second team: R. Burns “My Life and Time”, (autobiography novel), Jack London “The Son of the Wolf” (animal story), R. Burns
The Tree of Liberty” (a poem), D. Defoe “Robinson Crusoe” (adventure novel), O. Henry “Cabbages and Kings” (a tale),
G. Byron “Manfred” (dramatic poem), Charlotte Bronte “Jane Eyre”
(a novel)
4) Say proverbs and quotations about books.
5) Read the poems, express your feelings using the following phrases, compare them and discuss their similarities and differences.
6) There’s a set of letters. You must gather from them the name and surname of the famous English author. (Charlotte Bronte, Radyard
7) I’ll read you the episodes of some literature works and you have to recognize them and up a card with the title.
8) Finish the given poems with rhyming words.
9) Make a story with the help of these pictures.
10) In the last task of our game you will show your actor talent. Each team has to act the episodes of the famous English works.

Заключительная часть
Let’s sum up. What is your opinion about the role of books in our life? And what should be a good book?
The song “Let It Be”
Thank you very much for your participation in competition and so interesting game.

Внеклассное мероприятие для 3-4 классов.
« Город гласных звуков»
The Town of Vowels”

Цели: Актуализация правил чтения гласных, тренировка
навыков чтения, развитие лексических навыков устной речи.
Оборудование: плакаты с заданиями, аудиозапись песен,
карточки с алфавитом.

Ведущий: Hello, dear friends! Do you like to travel? Today we’ll make a travel to the world of English language. But at first answer my questions:
What does a speech consist of? What does a sentence consist of? What do the words consist of? Well, we write letters and we pronounce sounds.
English likes a country. It has its own people – words and sounds, its own towns, and its own king and queen. The king of English is the verb “to be”. And now we’ll travel to the town of vowels.
(Дети поют песню “Train” и имитируют движение поезда.)
Ведущий: Oh, look! What are they? They are letters with vowel sounds.
(Буквы a, i, e, o, u, y рассказывают стихи.)
They like to play games and confuse (буквы поют песню и перемешиваются)
Oh, help us, please! (“говорятбуквы).
Ведущий: Children, let’s help letters. Say English words, beginning a…
(apple, alphabet, arm, armchair, and, alarm, about, above; egg, elephant, end, English, end, eight, eleven, eat; ice, ice-cream, Italy, idea, ill, if; open, orange, or, owl, oil, October, opposite, over, old; unit, uniform, under, usually, umbrella, uncle, ugly; young, yard, yacht, yo-yo, yellow, yes).
Thank you very much! Well done!
Выходит модальный глагол «сап», задает вопросы залу
Who am I? I’m a modal verb “can”. Can you jump? …swim,… run…?
Let’s play game. I’ll show the exercises and name them, but wrong.You must guess and show the exercises right.
Выходит доктор.
I am a doctor. I cure letters when they are ill, when you pronounce them wrong they feel bad. (Буквы плачут)
Doctor: What’s the matter?
Letters: We are ill. Look how children wrote us.
Teacher: Oh, really. There are a lot of mistakes here.
Doctor: Children, help the letters. Stay them to make right words.
(This is a bad. This mark is bed. A here is grey. There are a lot of children hare. The well is high. We know English wall. Mother bikes pies. I like to bake.)
Letters: Thank you children. Now we are healthy and happy. Let’s sing our favorite song “ABC”
Все дети поют песню.

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