Розробки уроків


   Тема: Вибір професії. "Choose The Career"

     Мета: ознайомиити учнів із сучасним світом професій, різними видами
  діяльності та визначити особистісні риси, необхідні представникам тих чи інших      професій; формувати навички і вміння спілкуватися усно і письмово в межах теми;      розвивати мовні, інтелектуальні і пізнавальні здібності, готовність брати 
  участь в іншомовному спілкуванні; виховувати позитивне ставлення до іноземної
  мови   як до засобу спілкування.
     Обладнання: тематичні малюнки, картки, підручник
     Тип уроку: комбінований
     Методи і прийоми: інтерактивні: робота в парах, в групах; гра, бесіда.


   І. Організаційний момент. Привітання. Емоційне налаштування на роботу.
  Good afternoon, boys and girls! I`m glad to see you. I wish you to be successful today, 
    have good knowledge and good marks.
   ІІ. Введення в іншомовне середовище.
   Look at the blackboard and try to guess the word.
   Учні намагаються розв'язати ребус із словом “profession”
   ІІІ. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Мотивація.

       -What can you do at 16 or 18? Where can you work or go after graduating
       from school?
      - What is the theme and the aim of our today`s lesson? Is it important for you to speak about         different professions? Why?

ІV. Подання лексичного матеріалу “Назви професій”

1) Робота в групах.
      There are lots of different professions. What are the duties of these people?
     You have got the cards on the desks. Match the pictures with the professions,
   say about their workplaces and duties, and choose the qualities of the character 
  from the list.

  • actor

  • architect

  • waiter

  • surgeon

  • Car mechanic

Travel agent





Shop assistent

Fashion designer




              List of words
    brave cheerful
  • energetic reliable
  • patient organised
  • sociable creative
  • caring well-educated
  • enthusiastic attentive
  • hard-working strong
        Use the model:

          …. is a person who ….
          He/She works in..... He/ She has to be...

2. Розвиток навичок мовлення.
Робота в парах.
  Ask each other, using the questionnaire in your books, then choose the personal traits
 for your friend and name the profession that suits your friend.
         His| her personal traits are....
So I think he\ she can work as a ….
Let`s sum up your discussion. What careers suit the most of you?
Which of the jobs don`t match you?
So the person must have particular qualities which are important to make a really good specialist. And if you choose the job you should train the characteristics you need.

V. Гра “ What my job is ? “
Let`s play game.
Один учень виходить на клас і загадує професію. Інші по черзі задають питання, 
на які можна отримати відповідь “так” або “ні”.
( For example: Do you work outside? Do you wear special clothes? Is your job dangerous? Do you work in office? Do you work with your hands? )
VІ. Узагальнення. Бесіда вчитель — учень — учень .
What is important in choosing profession ? Agree or disagree:
  • Job satisfection is very important factor
  • Money is the most important factor
  • Good conditions is a good factor
  • Training is useful in your profession
  • Travelling is necessary in your profession
VІІ. Домашнє завдання
The hometask is to write your ideas on the topic “My future profession”.
Mention about:
- what you know about it
- what qualifications you will need
-why it attracts you
-why you think this kind of career will suit you
VІІІ. Підсумок уроку
What was the most interesting/difficult about the lesson?
What was new for you? Was the information important for you?

Урок в 10 класі

Тема: Вибір професії. Choose the career.
Мета: повторити базовий лексичний матеріал до теми, ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями, та закріпити їх у мовленні, вдосконалювати навички читання та мовлення; розвивати пізнавальні здібності учнів; виховувати інтерес до англійської мови як до засобу спілкування, спрямованість особистості учнів на вибір професії.
Обладнання: набір ЛО в таблицях, картки з текстами для читання.
Методи і прийоми: інтерактивні: метод “Мікрофон”, робота в парах, робота в групах; здоров'язберігаючі: релаксаційна хвилинка.

Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1. Організаційний момент. Привітання.
Good morning, boys and girls! How are you? Have good marks at the lesson.
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Мотивація.
Today we'll remember the vocabulary on the topic “ Professions” . The aim of our lesson is to know more about different jobs. Say if this topic important to you and why? What is your personal aim? Use the method “Microphone”.
3. Перевірка дом. завдання
Декілька учнів зачитують свої повідомлення про майбутню професію, інші — здають зошити вчителю.
4. Введення в іншомовне середовище.
Think about your future job and rank the aspects of a job in order of importance to you.
  • Long holidays
  • Close to home
  • Opportunity to travel abroad
  • A good salary
  • Opportunity to use English
  • Nice collegues
  • Interesting and challenging work

ІІ. Основна частина.
1. Актуалізація опорних знань. Робота в парах.
I want you to work in pairs and make a list of jobs you know. After two minutes find out which pair has the longest list.
2. Читання. Робота в групах.
1) Pre-reading: Match the words in the left column with their synonyms or explanations in the right column.

1.to realize                                                         a) to understand
2.to rear                                                            b) to bring up children
3.to apply college                                             c) to enter a college
4.to refuse                                                        d) to say “no”
5.to give financial support                               e) to give money
6.to be unemployed                                          f) to lose a job
7.to be satisfied                                                g)to be happy
8.to ear                                                             h) to get money for some work
9. to be sacked                                                  i) to be out of work
10. to attend                                                      j) to come to classes
11. to transfer                                                   k) to give another job inside the
12. sales representative                                     l) a salesman who sеlls while
13. dole                                                              m) money given to people who
are out of work
14. a blue-collar worker                                    n) a worker
15. labourer                                                       o) an unskilled worker
16. fee                                                                 p)money paid for education
17. employer                                                      q) someone who pays others
to work for him
18. employee                                                   r) someone paid to work on a
regular basis
19. apprentice                                                s) someone learning a craft or trade
from anemployer, a beginner

2) Reading.
The students are divided into four groups. Each group works with its own passage.
Read the texts paying attention to the sentences with the active vocabulary.
The students complete the charts about their texts with the active vocabulary they come across while reading.
3) Post-reading.
One member of each group tells about the character from the text.
3. Релаксаційна хвилинка.
Sit comfortably, close your eyes and imaging that you are inside the empty room with white walls. There is the door in this room in front of you with the writing “Future”. Look at the door carefully, open it. Fell the air breathing from the door. What is it like: warm or cold? How does it smell? Is it dark or light there? If it is dark there find a little lantern. It'll be useful for you. And now come into the room bravely and look what important events can take place in your life? Remember all of them to retell about them later. Thanks your future for opening its secrets for you and come back. Open your eyes and clap your hands. Let's go on.

4. Робота в парах.
Учні відновлюють діалог на картках. По закінченні роботи одна з пар читає його за ролями.
Reese: So, how was your interview?
Kent: I haven't gone yet. It's tomorrow.
Reese: Oh, you look rather calm and confident!
Kent: But I'm really not! I'm so nervous.
Reese: Don't worry. You should do fine. You have the experience.
Kent: I hope so.
Reese: Remember, they want someone who works well with people.
You have to show them how easygoing and personable you are!
Kent: Alright. I'll keep that in mind.
Reese: Actually I believe you are the right person for that job.
Kent: Thanks a lot, Reese, now I feel quite sure of myself.
Reese: Good luck, Kent.
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.
1. Домашнє завдання.
Think about the job you would like to do and write about good and bad things about it.

2. Підведення підсумків.
What have you found out at the lesson today? What have we read about? What new words denoting professions have you learned?

Урок английского языка в 5 классе


Цель: активизировать лексический материал темы; подготовить
учеников к самостоятельному высказыванию; практиковать в
употреблении the Past Continuous Tense;а также в чтении текста
с использованием приобретенных знаний. Развивать познаватель
ный интерес учащихся.

Оборудование: учебник, карточки с заданиями, тематические


Подготовка к восприятию иностранной речи.
1. Приветствие.
Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you.
2. Сообщение темы и целей урока.
The topic of our lesson is Parties and holidays. By the end of lesson
You should be able to use the vocabulary on the topic and «Past Con-
tinuous» in speaking .
3. Введение в иностранную атмосферу.
Let’s play game. Match the parts of the word (envelope, invitation,
guest, glue , blow, balloon , badge, birthday, piece, coloured , party,
Now make word combinations.

Основная часть урока .
  1. Контроль домашнего задания.
Let’s check your home work.
  1. Активизация лексического материала.
А)Find the word which differs from others. Do this task on the cards.
B) So, I can see you know the words well and I’m sure you can do this task easily. Put these sentences in correct order and it will be invitation card
( Класс разделяется на две команды, та, которая выполнит задание первой – победитель).

3.Работа над грамматикой.
Brush up your grammar, children! How many verb tenses do you know?
Make the sentences for the pictures on the blackboard.
4. Физкультминутка.
Stand up please, look at me and follow me (дети выполняют движения и повторяют слова песенки)

Clap, clap, clap your hands, clap your hands together,
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet, stamp your feet together,
Sing, sing, sing a song, sing a song together,
Dance, dance, dance a dance, dance a dance together
5.Предъявление текста для чтения.
А) подготовка к чтению. Today we’ll read the text about Playday Party.
Open your books on the page 92, but the first look at the new words and
Guess about their meaning. OK .Listen to the text.
B) Чтение текста вслух по.
С) Проверка понимания прочитанного. Выполнение заданий по учебнику (2 с. 2)

Заключительная часть урока.
  1. Домашнее задание (дифференцированного типа).
А) прочитать текст и выучить слова (6 баллов);
В) сделать открытку или значок (9 баллов);
С)сделать открытку и прокомментировать последовательность выполнения (11-12 баллов )
2. Оценивание учащихся.

Урок английского языка в 6 классе

Вид урока: урок- путешествие
Цели: Проверить знания фонетики, лексики и грамматики ;
Совершенствовать навыки аудирования, чтения и говорения;
Научить высказывать свое мнение о значении английского языка в мире. Развивать способности креативного мышления. Воспитывать
Интерес к изучению английского языка, уважение к другим культурам; умение сотрудничать в ходе групповой и парной работы.
Оборудование: карточки с заданиями, глобус, аудиозапись.


  1. Greeting and aim.
Good morning, dear pupils! Today we‘ll travel around the country
of English language. We’ll remember different English words, read
The proverbs, listen to the famous English song, name English-speaking countries, complete and act the dialogues. And by the end
of the lesson you should be able to say: is it important to know English?
  1. Warming up
English is very popular nowadays in all over the world. Tell me, please, where can we meet English in everyday life? Let’s make mind map. Come to the blackboard and write down one by one.
(foreign goods, songs, films, mobile phones , Internet computer, advertisement, magazines, newspapers, television programs).

Main body

  1. In our modern life each family has at home variety household appliances that help us with work about the house. And there are the instructions telling us how to use these appliances .So you must know some words. Translate, please, into English: открывать, закрывать, включать, выключать, повернуть, вынимать, нажимать (open, close, switch on, switch off, turn, eject, push up). And now, match the words on the cards, what for do we use these things.
  2. How can we guess the meaning of the word, when we listen to it separately from the text? (We can’t guess them without the text, because there are the words, that have the similar pronunciation, but their spelling and meaning are different ) So try to guess these words and write them on the black-board: read – red, hair – hear, been – bean, write – right, feet – fit, knight – night, know – no, whole – hole, leave – live.
  3. There are a lot of proverbs in English and they show the history and wisdom of the people. Now we check how you know the proverbs, not English only, but Russian too. Find English equivalents for these Russian proverbs.
Relaxing time
Звучит спокойная музыка
Close your eyes, relax, imagine that you are at the seaside. You listen to whisper of the sea. The sun is shining, the sky is blue. You feel well, your mood is nice, you are happy. Your heart is full of love and happiness.
Open your eyes. Did you like the relaxation? Are you ready to continue?
  1. What English-speaking countries do you know? Show them on the globe. (Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand). How do you think is English in these countries similar? (No, it isn’t. For example, there is British and American English).
  2. Yes, you are quite right. So let’s play game. You received the cards with British and American words and you have to match them (flat - apartment, lift – elevator, underground – subway, autumn – fall, form – grade, car – automobile, lorry – truck, post – mail, shop – store, chemist’s - drugstore, bill – check).Ученики получают карточки со словами, зачитывают их по очереди, ученик, у которого соответствующий эквивалент поднимает руку, таким образом все слова объединяются в пары.
  3. Would you like to go to another country? That’s why you have to know what to say in different situations. Now complete the dialogues and act them.
-Good afternoon. Can I help you?
-Well, I want a cheese sandwich
-OK. Anything else?
-Yes, a drink .An orange juice
-Would you like a dessert?
-No, thank you, that’s all.
-Fine, that’s three pounds.
-Here you are.
-Thank you. Goodbye.
-Excuse me!
-What can I help you?
-How far is Piccadilly Circus from here?
-It’s not far. Walk straight along this street
And take the first turn to the left.
-Thank you very much. You are very kind.
-Oh, you are welcome. Then you can go
And see Trafalgar Square.

-Excuse me. Could you tell me
How can I get to the cinema?
-Go along this street and turn right.
The cinema is on your left.
-Thank you very much.
-Not at all.

-Can I help you?
-I am looking for a dress
-All the dresses are on the left.
-Thank you. Can I try this on?
-Yes, sure. The fitting rooms are over there.
-Is it any good?
-Oh, yes. How much is it?
-Its twenty pounds.
-OK. I’ll have it.

  1. Do you like to listen to music? What English or American singers
And groups do you know? What is the most famous English group?
(THE BEETLES) What is the most famous song of this group? (Yesterday) Let’s listen to this song? Then you must put the sentences in correct order.


1.Home task.
Write the composition: Why is it important to learn English nowadays? (10 sentences)
2. Summarising.
Today we spoke about English language, we have done a lot of tasks. Tell me why must we learn English?
-To visit other countries.
-To speak with foreigners.
-To understand the instructions.
-To use household appliences.
-To read and translate advertisement.
-To understand and sing English songs…
What did you like best of all at the lesson?
3. Thank you very much for your work at the lesson. Your marks are…

Урок английского языка в 10 классе

     Тема: День Благодарения в США
      Цели: Практиковать учеников в чтении текста для получения общего
                представления (skimming) и максимально полного и точного понимания
                всей информации, которая содержится в нем. Практиковать умение
               самостоятельно высказываться. Закрепить знание грамматики, построение
               различных видов вопросов, употребление разных “  видо- временных”  форм;
              активизировать знание лексики (подбор синонимов).
               Воспитывать любовь к традициям своей страны и уважение к обычаям
                других народов.
               Развивать интерес к изучаемому предмету и расширять кругозор учащихся.
    Оборудование: текст (День Благодарения), карточки с индивидуальными заданиями,
                              рисунки   символов   Дня Благодарения, физическая карта мира.

  1. Greeting and aim.
Good morning, dear pupils. The topic of our today’s lesson is Traditions and Thanksgiving Day. By the end of lesson you should be able to understand gist and details of the text for reading, to describe Thanksgiving Day.
  1. Warming up
Let’s speak about traditions. Answer the questions: 1) What Ukrainian traditions do you know? 2) What English traditions do you know? 3) What can you say about American traditions? 4) What holidays are general for these countries? 5) What holidays are different? 6) Where is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

Main Part
  1. Pre-reading tasks.
Look through the text and find the synonyms for these word-combinations ( feast features – dishes, set aside – special, from near and far – from everywhere, for all that they have – to each other, the
High light – the most solemn, unite – gather, chances looked much better – chances increased.

  1. Reading.
( Чтение текста с целью максимального и точного понимания всей информации, которая содержится в тексте, и критического ее осмысливания).Now read and translate the text one by one.
  1. Post-reading activities.
  1. Take the cards on your desks and find these Russian sentences in English in the text.
  2. Complete the sentences from the text.
  3. Now let’s play game. This row is one team and that is another one.
You have a red flag and you – green .Move your flags on the map if your answers will be correct. So, the pupils of one team must put on the questions to other team.
  1. Describe Thanksgiving Day in America.
Now is the end of the lesson. Your home task: write a composition about Thanksgiving Day in America.
Thank you very much for your active work at the lesson and listen to your marks…

Урок английского языка в 10 классе

Тема: The Popularity of Shopping Nowadays
Цели: Проверить уровень достижений учащихся по теме с помощью разнообразных лексических, грамматических и коммуникативных заданий; совершенствовать навыки аудирования.
Развивать кругозор.
Воспитывать уважение и интерес к традициям и культуре
разных стран.
Вид урока: урок-зачет.
Оборудование: карточки с заданиями, иллюстрации по теме, видеоматериал.
1. Greeting and aim.
Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you. Today we have the conclusive lesson by the theme Shopping and we’ll check your skills in vocabulary, grammar, speaking and listening. By the end of lesson you should be able to compare shopping in our country and abroad.
2. Warming up.
Since the civilization became the way of our living shopping replaced the hunting and collecting. Today shops are the cities’ attractions and sights. Thus it’s useful to know everything about them.
1) Name the words that fit the following definitions:
  1. a building where you buy things ( shop ),
  2. a covering made of leather or plastic that you wear on your foot (shoe ),
  3. things that you wear to cover your body ( clothes ),
  4. a person who sells meat ( butcher ),
  5. to give money to get something ( to buy ),
  6. to have clothes on your body ( to wear ),
  7. a person who buys things from the shop ( customer ),
  8. made or picked not long ago, not frozen (fresh ),
  9. money that people use in Britain ( pound ),
  10. a place where people go to buy and sell things, usually outside (market ).
2) Remember that there are things we cannot count, they have their own mesure and they are used in special phrases. Do the task on the card: you have the parts of the phrases. One pupil read the word and the other find the appropriate ending to complete the expression. (a pound of cheese, a bottle of lemonade, a box of cereal, a bar of chocolate, a jar of honey,
A loaf of bread, a dozen eggs, a bunch of grapes).

Main Part
  1. New Year is coming. We have to prepare for the celebration and to do a lot of shopping. This is the list of things we need. Where would you go to buy them? Find the right shop.
( fish, crabs – fishmonger’s; sausages, bacon, lamb, mince – butcher’s; milk, butter, eggs, sour-cream – dairy; salt, pasta, coffee, sugar – grocery store; bread, cakes, rolls, buns – baker’s; trousers, a suit, a pullover – men’s wear; potatoes, onions, bananas – greengrocer’s; a pair of shoes, boots – footwear ).
  1. Speaking and listening.
OK. I can see you know different kinds of shops. Now you must listen to the dialogues of your classmates and underline on the cards what children bought and say what shops they have visited ( dialogues: At the supermarket, At the market, At the department store ).
  1. Grammar.
At the next task choose the antonyms for the following words and name the part of the speech they are belong to:
To buy – to sell (verb), cheap – expensive (adjective), put on – take off (verb), short – long (adjective), ripe – unripe (verb),
Full – empty (adjective), everything – nothing (pronoun), refuse – accept (verb), similar – different, various (adjective), high price – low price (adjective plus noun), open – close (verb).
With the help of these words complete the sentences, where do you prefer to do the shopping and why?
  1. Watching video.

To fill up your knowledge about shopping abroad you should watch the part of the film about London’s shops. And it helps you to do the comparison at the end of the lesson.
  1. Listening to the report.
  1. Speaking. Now I’m sure you can tell me about differences of shopping in Ukraine and in Great Britain.
  2. Homework. Write a composition about where you prefer to go shopping.
  3. Your marks for the lesson …

2 коментарі:

  1. Урок интересный с точки зрения применения практических наработок учителя

  2. Необхідно надати розробку цього уроку на міський конкурс " УРОК".
